Success or Bust: Your Choice, Your Journey

The Great Outdoors vs. The Comfy Couch

Alexis - Redacted
2 min readDec 25, 2023
Photo by Sifan Liu on Unsplash

Picture this: a bright sunny day, you’re outside feeling the breeze, taking in the fresh air. Now, swap that with sitting on a couch, all day, every day.

Feels like a waste, right? The thing is, choosing nature over the couch isn’t just a nice idea; it’s about being active, about vitality. It’s choosing to live rather than just exist. And that’s often the first step towards success — picking action over idleness.

Run Your Race, Not The Rat Race

Here’s the deal: running isn’t just good for your body. It clears your mind, sparks ideas, and builds endurance. On the other hand, sitting is the new smoking, remember? It’s not just about getting fit, but about a mindset. When you’re up on your feet, pushing yourself, you’re really miles away from giving up.

Success comes to those who keep moving, ever thought about that?

Investing Over Spending: Your Future Self Will Thank You

Money in the bank is good, but it’s what you do with it that counts.

Buying stuff might give you a quick buzz, but investing? That’s building your own golden bridge to the future. We’re talking investments in stocks, bonds, or maybe a side hustle. It’s all about planting seeds now that can grow into an orchard later. Delayed gratification, they say, and they’re not wrong.

Lead the Pack, Don’t Just Pack Up

It’s easy to complain, isn’t it? To point fingers. But taking the helm, now that’s a different ballgame.

Choose to be a leader, not a complainer.

Any ship can float, but it takes a captain to steer it through storms. So step up, take responsibility. It’s a key ingredient to a recipe for success. When was the last time a complaint changed the world, anyway?

Education, Not Just Entertainment

Netflix binges, social media scrolls — they eat up your time like nothing else. Fun? Sure. Productive? Not so much. Flip the script. Mix in some educational content, a documentary, a webinar, a coding course maybe?

Balance is key, and learning new things not only fuels your brain but paves the way to that ‘aha!’ moment that can change everything. Reach for a book instead of the remote sometimes.

Change the Game, Don’t Blame the Game

Listen, the world’s not perfect.

It’s full of bumps and curves. You can whine and stay behind, or adapt and move ahead. Change isn’t just something you do when there’s no other choice. It’s an attitude. Embrace it, spearhead it. That’s what winners do.

They don’t wait for the perfect moment; they seize every moment and make it work for them. So what’s it gonna be?

Thank you for reading! I hope I inspired you in some way, follow for more such content :)

