Putin and China just DESTROYED the U.S. Dollar

BRICS Nations Are Shaking Things Up

Alexis - Redacted
3 min readJun 17, 2024

Sometimes it feels like we’re living in a whirlwind. The kind of change we’re witnessing today is enough to leave even the mighty Roman Empire shocked.

Remember, it took them 200 years to collapse, but we’re seeing a global shift in just a few years.

This week alone, massive stories about the BRICS nations, Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia have emerged, and you won’t believe how they’re shaking up the world order.

The BRICS Boom

If you’re not familiar with BRICS, it started as a trade partnership between Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

Now, it’s exploding into a powerhouse, creating its own currency and moving away from the U.S. dollar dominance. Countries are rushing to join BRICS and ditch the dollar.

Here’s the kicker:

BRICS announced a new payment system that bypasses the SWIFT system, challenging the U.S. dollar’s dominance in international transactions.

Imagine the infrastructure to settle transactions out of U.S. hands — massive, right?

The End of the Petrodollar Era

Saudi Arabia just ended its 50-year agreement with the U.S. to trade oil exclusively in dollars.

As of June 9th, 2024, this agreement is history.

The crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, decided not to renew the partnership, opening Saudi oil trade to other currencies.

Hello, China. Hello, Russia.

This is a seismic shift in global trade and finance. The era of the U.S. dollar as the world’s sole superpower currency is officially over.

BRICS is Growing Fast

Hold on to your hats because it gets wilder.

At the BRICS foreign ministers meeting on June 10th and 11th, 59 new countries announced plans to join BRICS.

They agreed to a whopping $78 billion in bilateral trade deals and decided to ditch the U.S. dollar for local currencies and cross-border transactions. This is game over for the U.S. dollar’s dominance.

The Impact on the U.S.

This isn’t just an economic shift; it’s a geopolitical earthquake.

U.S. Congressman Thomas Massey recently pointed out that every time the U.S. imposes a new economic sanction, the world moves closer to de-dollarization.

President Biden’s sanctions against Russia have backfired, turning the world against the U.S. dollar. China, seeing the writing on the wall, has been dumping U.S. treasuries.

Disclaimer: This article is based on recent developments and should be interpreted in the context of ongoing global events.

Thank you for reading!

