Biden to be Replaced??

Biden Out, Panic In

Alexis - Redacted
3 min readJun 18, 2024

Alright, folks, buckle up because the political scene just got a lot more interesting!

President Joe Biden is set to be replaced on the Democratic ticket, and we have confirmation from a member of Congress and an exclusive report from the Daily Mail.

The White House is in full panic mode, and it’s not hard to see why.

The Alarming Numbers

CNN’s senior data reporter, Harry Enten, has revealed some shocking statistics. African-American support for Biden has plummeted.

Back in 2020, Biden enjoyed a solid 86% of the Black vote. Now? It’s down to 70%. And guess who’s gaining? Yep, Donald Trump, who’s gone from a mere 7% to a whopping 21%.

For those of us who enjoy a good historical comparison, this is looking to be a record-breaking performance for a Republican candidate among Black voters. The younger demographic, those under 50, has seen Biden’s support drop from 80 points ahead to just 37. That’s more than a 50% decline!

Biden’s Embarrassing Moments

It’s not just the numbers causing headaches for the Biden team.

The President has had some awkward public moments recently. From wandering offstage to needing help from Italian Premier Georgia Maloney at the G7, these instances have fueled rumors and memes alike.

The infamous “Meander in Chief” headline from the New York Post highlights Biden’s public gaffes, such as the time he seemed lost during a world conference as parachutists landed.

His team calls these instances “disinformation,” but the footage speaks volumes.

The Democratic Dilemma

With Biden’s declining support and public mishaps, the Democratic leadership is reportedly plotting his replacement.

Heavyweights like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer are said to be in on the plan. If Biden falters in a debate or continues to slide in the polls, these power players might step in to push him out.

Kamala’s Backup Plan

Interestingly, Vice President Kamala Harris is reportedly eyeing the California governor’s seat as a backup plan.

She’s allegedly not thrilled about the prospect of stepping up if Biden bows out, given her own unpopularity and perceived incompetence.

The Polling Conundrum

Biden’s approval rating has dipped to a new low of 37.4%. Voters’ primary concern? His age. It’s hard for many to picture him serving until 86.

Atlantic columnist Mark Leibovitch even compared Biden to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, suggesting he should step down for the good of the party, much like many felt Ginsburg should have done for the Supreme Court.

What’s Next?

As the Democratic leaders strategize, it looks like we might witness a symbolic transfer of power before the next election.

Could Gavin Newsom be the next Democratic star?

Only time will tell. For now, the political drama continues to unfold, and we’ll be here with the popcorn, watching every twist and turn.

Stay tuned for more updates as this political rollercoaster continues!

Thank you for reading! :)

